Raspberry Pi 樹莓派社群聚會 #43

  • 2024/08/05(周一) 19:00(+0800) ~ 22:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 台北市重慶南路一段105號2樓/天瓏資訊圖書(2F., No.105, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City / Tenlong Bookstore) / 2F., No.105, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
  • 40 / 100
  • raspberrypi_tw 的個人組織 聯絡主辦單位

這次有 Pizza 和可樂!

The 43th of the Raspberry Pi meetup, the topic is "Taiwan x Japan Raspberry Pi Meetup, Part-2".

Speaker 1: Masafumi(Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group)
Topic: Which is better music streamer at your home, Airplay(Shairport) or UPnP(upmpdcli).

Abstract: What is a good way for a music streamer at your home? if you have an iPhone, Airplay(Shairport) is the best way; if you have Android, UPnP is the best way. Masafumi will give a talk about what is better for your home, deep-diving those streaming technologies.

Masafumi has participated in a joint remote video celebration with us at Raspberry Pi Jam in Taipei 2018, and also introduced Automotive Grade Linux at Raspberry Pi Meetup #39.

Speaker 2: sosorry
Topic: Introduction to Raspberry Pi AI Kit

Abstract: We will introduce the TAPPAS framework and how to write your own Python post-process with Raspberry Pi AI Kit.

Additional Information:

  • 2024/08/05(Mon.) 19:10 ~ 22:00
  • 2F., No.105, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
  • $200 per person


> Safeguarding

- – - – - – - – - -  以下為中文 – - – - – - – - – -

第四十三次 Raspberry Pi 樹莓派社群聚會,希望能透過社群活動的分享和交流,找到更多 Raspberry Pi 的可能。本次主題是「台日友好分享會,Part-2」。

分享者1:Masafumi(Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group)
題目:家裡的音樂串流媒體使用哪個好? Airplay(Shairport) 還是 UPnP(upmpcli)?

大綱:對於家中的音樂串流媒體來說,哪種方法比較好? 如果你有 iPhone,Airplay(Shairport) 是最好的方式;如果您有 Android,UPnP 是最好的方式。 Masafumi 將帶您深入探討這些串流媒體技術。

題目:Raspberry Pi AI Kit 介紹

大綱:我們在 Raspberry Pi 樹莓派社群聚會 #42 快速展示了 Raspberry Pi AI Kit 介紹,這次將介紹 TAPPAS 框架以及如何使用 Raspberry Pi AI Kit 來撰寫自己的 Python 後處理。


  • 活動時間: 2024/08/05(週一) 19:00 ~ 22:00  (6:40pm 開始入場)
  • 活動人數上限: 100
  • 活動地點:台北市重慶南路一段15號2樓


  • 每人 $200 元場地費用
  • 帶作品展示的參加者免收場地費用


> 安全措施


台北市重慶南路一段105號2樓/天瓏資訊圖書(2F., No.105, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City / Tenlong Bookstore) / 2F., No.105, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City


票種 販售時間 售價

~ 2024/08/05 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費