Raspberry Pi社群聚會 #18

  • 2017/03/06(周一) 19:00(+0800) ~ 22:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • CLBC Coworking Space(CLBC 共同工作空間) / 4F-1., No.293, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106(台北市大安區復興南路一段293號4樓之1)
  • 100 / 100
  • raspberrypi_tw 的個人組織 聯絡主辦單位

The 18th of the Raspberry Pi meetup, the topic is "LoRa Technology and Implementation".

Speaker 1: David Mikolas (EN)
Topic: LoRa technology review
Part 1. LoRa from the OUTSIDE
    1. Story of the LoRa Alliance
    2. LoRa Products and Applications Show how LoRa is Different.
    3. LoRa Networks Up and Running World-wide - what they look like.

Part 2. LoRa from the INSIDE
    4. How does LoRa get 10 kilometers with 10 milliwatts?
    5. How can LoRa run for years on a small battery?
    6. LoRa communications protocol - what you need to know!
    7. LoRa settings and parameters - your key to success is understanding these!

Part 3. LoRa Network Implementation
    8. LoRaWAN - you don’t have to use it, but you’d be smart to understand it first.
    9. LoRa chirped spread spectrum - why it works.
    10. LoRa Future, including LoRa based Geolocation

Speaker 2:sosorry
Topic: How to build a nano LoRa gateway with Raspberry Pi."

Additional Information:

  • 2017/03/06 19:10 ~ 2017/03/06 21:30
  • 4F-1., No.293, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106
  • $150 per person



第十八次 Raspberry Pi 社群聚會,希望能透過社群活動的分享和交流,找到更多 Raspberry Pi 的可能本次主題是「LoRa Technology and Implementation」


分享者1:David Mikolas (本場次為英文)
題目:LoRa technology review

Part 1. LoRa from the OUTSIDE
    1. Story of the LoRa Alliance
    2. LoRa Products and Applications Show how LoRa is Different.
    3. LoRa Networks Up and Running World-wide - what they look like.

Part 2. LoRa from the INSIDE
    4. How does LoRa get 10 kilometers with 10 milliwatts?
    5. How can LoRa run for years on a small battery?
    6. LoRa communications protocol - what you need to know!
    7. LoRa settings and parameters - your key to success is understanding these!

Part 3. LoRa Network Implementation
    8. LoRaWAN - you don’t have to use it, but you’d be smart to understand it first.
    9. LoRa chirped spread spectrum - why it works.
    10. LoRa Future, including LoRa based Geolocation



分享者2:sosorry(台灣樹莓派)  (本場次為中文)
題目:用 Raspberry Pi 打造一個輕量級的 LoRa 閘道器。



  • 活動時間: 2017/03/06(週一) 19:10 ~ 21:30  (6:40pm 開始入場)
  • 活動人數上限: 100
  • 活動地點:CLBC台北市大安區復興南路一段293號4樓
  • 交通資訊:(地圖:http://clbc.tw/location/)至捷運大安站下車,出口後直走60秒內可抵達 CLBC 大安館


  • 每人150元場地費用
  • 帶作品展示的參加者免收場地費用


  • 活動場地有提供無線網路
  • 場地有飲料,由覓茶提供
CLBC Coworking Space(CLBC 共同工作空間) / 4F-1., No.293, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106(台北市大安區復興南路一段293號4樓之1)


票種 販售時間 售價

~ 2017/03/06 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費